27th annual fishing derby held at Lake Park

Bryce Wesney, 9, was one of the first children to catch a prize-winning fish at the 27th annual fishing derby held May 5 at Lake Park. His crappie was 11.25″ long so he won $10. He was at the derby with his mom, Johnie and his sister, Dakota. The family is from the Walhonding area. Jen Jones | Beacon
COSHOCTON – By the official start time of the fishing derby, the banks of Lake Park basin were already lined with excited children – all hoping to catch a prize winning fish or maybe win a door prize.
Last year, the weather was terrible for the fishing derby, but on Saturday, May 5, the day was perfect for the 27th annual fishing derby. The Coshocton County Sportsman’s Association is in charge of the derby each year, but it couldn’t be done without the park district, Friends of the Park and the Division of Wildlife, according to Bob Bigrigg, chairman of the fishing derby.
“We got a conservation grant called Step Outside that covers the cost of the bait,” said Bigrigg, “and that helps us a lot.” Every child that registers to fish receives free bait to use. The Friends of the Park made a large donation that covered most of the cost of the fish that were released for the derby. Trout, crappies, perch, bass and shell crackers (a blue gill hybrid) were purchased and released into the basin the day before the derby.
“We also couldn’t do this derby without the amazing support of the businesses in our area,” said Bigrigg. “We got prizes, gift certificates and cash from them. Two of the bikes that will be given away were also donated by private citizens.”
Bigrigg said the derby is held from 10 – 2 every year so they can accommodate as many children’s schedules as possible. Children can fish for as long as they want during that period of time. Every fish that is over 9” long, regardless of type, wins the child $10. At the end of the day, five bikes are given away. The children are split into age groups for the bike giveaway: 3 – 6 years, 7 – 12 years and 13- 17. The younger two groups have a boy and a girl drawn.
After the bikes are given away, all of the names are put into a barrel and pulled to award the door prizes for the day. Hundreds of dollars in fishing tackle and other prizes are given away.
“The Sportsman’s Club greatly appreciates all the support we get from the park, the businesses, the Division of Wildlife and the Friends of the Park. We really enjoy doing this and it’s a great community service. I know lots of people look forward to it each year,” said Bigrigg.
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