4-H holds public speaking competition

Piper Andrews (left) and Kiera McPeck (right) present their experiment entitled, “Fizzy Foam Fun,” during a 4-H public speaking competition at Frontier Power on Tuesday, July 19. Andrew Everhart | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Public speaking: For some, it’s a walk in the park, but for most, it’s one of our greatest fears. On Tuesday, July 19 a handful of 4-H students combated those fears as they gave presentations on a wide variety of topics during a public speaking competition at Frontier Power.
According to Analea Smith, it’s important for not just these kids, but all kids to polish their public speaking skills.
“Being able to speak in front of people is a major skill that a lot of people lack and it’s important that kids develop these skills at a young age because they are valuable when it comes to things later in life such as job interviews,” said Smith.
Some of the topics touched upon during the competition included gun safety, the dangers and cost of tobacco usage, and even how to make homemade butter. One topic in particular, which was presented by Piper Andrews and Kiera McPeck, demonstrated how to perform a science experiment entitled, “Fizzy Foam Fun.”
According to McPeck, nerves aren’t too big of an issue for her when speaking in front of an audience.
“Sometimes I get nervous at the beginning, but once I get used to the audience I’m usually fine from then on,” said McPeck.
For Andrews, her favorite part of their presentation stemmed farther than the experiment itself.
“I really liked performing the experiment; but, my favorite part was just being with Kiera,” said Andrews.
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