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Sheriff’s office holds awards banquet

| February 28, 2020
The Coshocton County Sheriff’s Awards Presentation Banquet was a great opportunity for Boy Scout Troop and Pack 403 and Crew and Troop 447 to serve others with meal preparation, setting up tables, greeting guests and holding the door for guests as they arrived for the event held Feb. 26, at Emmanuel Lutheran Church.
Following the spaghetti dinner, Starkey Lawrence opened the ceremony with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. He also announced that Sheriff Rogers had been recognized by his fellow workers.
Field Director for the Muskingum Valley Council BSA Jeff Pickett presented Sheriff Tim Rogers with the Gold Star Award; a new award for recognition by his peers and commended him for his involvement in supporting the Boy Scouts.
Employees of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction may recommend other employees or department teams for Gold Star Awards. On occasion, individuals or organizations outside the department receive Gold Star Awards for exemplary effort or service in the field of corrections.
Employees receiving Gold Star Awards consistently exhibit the following qualities: Has developed a new or innovative process or procedure which has proven to benefit the agency during the daily operations; or Has volunteered his/her time to the benefit of the agency; or has made significant contributions to the mission of the agency; or Has made significant impact and contributions to the agency through his/her career, and who during his/her career served as a leader and mentor for other corrections professionals.
Three recipients received the Heliotrope Civilian Award for their ability to react quickly in a crisis situation, including 8-year-old Cameille Leist, Trecia McClain and James Bartlett.
Cameille’s mother, Melissa Leist remembered thinking, “I am going to pass out” while driving on Cambridge Road with her then 7-year-old daughter Cameille in the backseat, and she managed to pull over at the Olde Town Realty office.
Melissa had passed out before while standing due to a medical condition called POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachcardia Syndrome) a condition in which an excessively reduced volume of blood returns to the heart after the individual stands up. But this is the first time she ever lost consciousness while sitting down, she said.
“I must have had something a little different going on that day,” she said.
When Melissa regained consciousness, she heard her daughter talking on the phone. I asked her who she was talking to. Cameille said her mother had handed her the phone although she didn’t remember doing so.
Cameille said she was a little scared, but she knew what to do.
“We learned things at school that said, if you ever need help call 911….and I saved the day,” she said.
Cameille told the dispatcher where they were and that her mom needed help. The deputies arrived to help in just a few minutes her mother said.
Trecia McLain was busy with her usual routine working at McDonalds when an employee came to the back of the restaurant and said there was a guy out front with a knife.
The manager was calling the sheriff’s department while McClain promptly went to the front.
The knife wielding man told her to get on the floor. She told him, “I am not going to do that.”
After sending employees to the back of the restaurant she directed the customers to the play area. I asked him, what can I do for you and can I help you? McClain said he just kept telling me to get on the floor.
A customer with a concealed carry permit, James Bartlett was in the restaurant and drew his gun ordering the man outside.
Bartlett had him on the ground until deputies came, said Supervisor Carole Yoder. “And thank God! Thank God, that guy was there. He already had him on the ground. Eight cruisers arrived in just minutes. I was really impressed with that.”
Some of the employees were very upset and McClain let them go home even though it was a Saturday. “But they were back to work the next day,” she said. “I’ve never been through anything
like that. When Bartlett came in afterwards, we gave him a free meal. I’m just grateful he was there.”
The sheriff’s office awards presentation ceremony is a biennial event. In the past two years there were 64,000 calls to the sheriff’s department, 7,000 written complaints, and 500 undercover operations; murder, drug busts, handled by the undercover tactical swat team Sheriff Rogers said.
“I am truly honored and blessed to be your sheriff,” he said. “All of us in the sheriff’s office are family. There are many others in my office who are honored for their service.”
Lt. Chip Udischas said “Many times, and I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse, we look around and see the sheriff behind us. He is out there with us.”
Other awards presented included:
Buckeye State Sheriff’s Association Awards
The Safe Driving Award: For officers whose driving practices have exhibited sufficient ability to avoid chargeable accidents over a five-year period.
– Fourth Award: Det. Tim Bethel, Sgt. Garrison Bryant and Sgt. John Glasure
– Second Award: Det Adam Mast
– First Award: Dep. Chris Johnson, Sgt. Matt Woitel and Sgt. Wes Wright Epply
Office Commendation: For performing efficient and valuable service to the office, either in carrying out a specific task or in the performance of general duties over an extended period of time.
Dep. Buddy Hill, Dep. Morgan Landis, CO Courtney Sampsel, CO Mark Dobbins, Det. Nancy Wilt, Det. Brent McKee, Sgt. Mike White, Sgt. Troy Bricker, Lt. Chip Udischas, Dep. Tyler Mann, Dep. Chris Johnson, CO Amber Walters, Det. Eric DeMattio, Det. Seth Andrews, Det. Dave Stone, Sgt. Garrison Bryant, Lt. JD Hardway, Cpt. Dean Hettinger, Sheriff Tim Rogers, PA Jason Given, and APA Ben Hall
Lifesaving Award: To an officer for saving a human life.
CO Courtney Sampsel, CO Erin Ehman, CO Michelle DeBoard, Dep. Steven Mox, Dep. Eric Swingle, Dep. Buddy Hill, Det. Dave Stone, Sgt. Cody Cochran, Lt. Chip Udischas, CO Jarret Hardway, CO Jonathon Thomas, CO Amber Walters, Dep. Wade Garrett, Dep. Wess Wallace, Dep. Alex Troyer, Det. Seth Andrews, Lt. JD Hardway, and Cpt. Dean Hettinger
Certificate of Merit: For outstanding performance of duty under unusual or difficult conditions.
Dep. Buddy Hill, Dep. Rusty Dreher, Det. Nancy Wilt, Det. Dave Stone, Det. Eric DeMattio, Sgt. Garrison Bryant, Dep. Dustin Mullinnex, Dep. Morgan Eckleberry, Dep. Morgan Landis, Dep. Scott Mast, Det. Tim Bethel, Det. Seth Andrews, CO Mark Dobbins, Sgt. Matt Woitel
Office Citation: For outstanding performance of a difficult task involving personal risk to the officers safety when a serious crime is prevented.
Lt. Chip Udischas, Sgt. Troy Brickers, Sgt. John Glasure, Dep. Scott Mast, Dep. Debbi Miller, Dep. Jo Kobel, CO Sherry Aronholt, and Michael LaVigne and staff.
Deputy/Officer of the year
Adam Mast, Deputy of the Year CO Amber, Officer of the Year CO Jonathon Thomas, Officer of the Year
Lawrence ended the evening with a benediction and a few words
“We need to save others but first of all we need to save ourselves,” he said. “It’s great to see the next generation of deputies.”

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