Sienna Hughett has been to Camp Invention before and was happy to be back.
“It’s fun,” the Keene Elementary School sixth-grader said. “You get to hang out with your friends, build different things and be creative.”
She was one of 77 students entering kindergarten through sixth grade who took part in the week-long camp held at Warsaw Elementary School from June 21-25.
“We spent a lot of time in elementary school working on reading, but this week is all about math and science,” said Tracey Herron, camp director. “They work on problem-solving and get to have fun. They also get to take their projects home with them. This year we had to get trash bags large enough for them to take everything home with them.”
Camp Invention is organized by the National Inventors Hall of Fame. This year’s theme is “Recharge,” and campers created their own solar bot, microphone, road rally car and duck launcher.
The microphone was a big hit with several of the participants.
“I liked taking it apart and putting it back together,” Hughett said.
Warsaw third-graders Sam Hoffer and Gunner Trull also had fun with the microphone. Keene Elementary School first-grader Azalea Poland said she liked talking into the microphone, and her classmate Lucas Croft demonstrated how it worked. Both Poland and Croft met new people at camp.
Shelley Larrison led the students in creating their rubber duck launchers and learning about trajectory and velocity. Some geography lessons also were worked into the project as the students pretended their ducks were from different countries.
“I love being with the kids,” Larrison said.
Larrison was one of four instructors who helped lead the different sessions, and her daughter Maddie Larrison was one of 17 older students who volunteered time. Those going into their sophomore to senior year were official helpers, and the younger teens were interns.
“I’d gone to Camp Invention before, and I liked making new friends,” said Maddie Larrison, who will be in eighth grade. “I enjoy working with the children, helping them invent things and making this fun for them.”
Camp Invention typically costs more than $200 per camper, but because of donations, Coshocton County students were able to attend for $35. Funding to make this possible was provided by Wiley Companies, McWane Ductile, Dean’s Jewelry, Kiwanis, Rotary, Montgomery Foundation, the Coshocton Foundation and the following funds within the Coshocton Foundation: Simpson Family Fund, Ralph and Judy Wisenburg Fund, Blessings Fund, William and Sue Brown Fund, Pierce Family Fund, and Edwin F. Mulligan Fund.
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