Ridgewood board approves temporary mask resolution
The Ridgewood Local Board of Education met in regular session to conduct monthly business on Sept. 20, in the West Lafayette Elementary Cafeteria.
Public participation was held with several members of the audience voicing their disapproval and a few members in favor of the upcoming vote on a mandate requiring masks for students and personnel for a 31 day period. The board recessed into executive session at that time. Returning from executive session treasurer, Jay Tingle gave the finance report that was approved and included: The payment of bills, purchase orders exceeding $15,000, donations from ALR Insurance $400; the following to the Ridgewood FFA: Harvest Barn $350; Shriver Tire $50; Coshocton Grain $50; McWane Ductile $250; Stone Creek Vol Fire Dept. $250; Endsley Insurance $50; Karen Young $ 50; and Ridgewood FFA Alumni $100.
Superintendent Mike Masloski presented the following items that were approved: Kyle Bethel to fifth grade ELA; Gordon Arney (certified) retirement effective Sept. 30, 2021; Wanda Craddock (classified) retirement; resignation of Victor Dickerson effective Sept. 10, 2021; Darcy Brickels, bus driver; Marla Farver, six hour cook; district substitutes for 2021-2022 school year approved: Connie Eckelberry, Michelle Garretson, Jackie Domer, Peggy Cunningham, Shane Zornes, Diana Brickles, Britney Cunningham, Alaina Cruz, Adrianna Ondayko; Leslie Liedtke as long term sub PE teacher; volunteers, Peggy Ball, Ron Bond (RLSD) Trevor Donaldson and Dyson Bowman (boys basketball); Updating OAPSE substitutes pay for contracted job classification wages OAPSE staff member who helps out by being a sub driver, cafeteria worker or custodian during 2021-2022 school year. Supplemental contracts to Travis Simmons, eighth grade boys basketball and Kevin Davis, seventh grade boys basketball. Academic mentors: Christopher McVay for Kyle Bethel, Penny Mast for Savannah Gress; Wendy Croy for Ryan Lowe; and Jacqueline McPherson for Keith Leindecker. Approved blended learning declaration model; adult cafeteria prices: breakfast $2.50, and lunch $4.75 (milk not included). Approved Capitol Aluminum and Glass to replace exterior doors throughout the district; policy change revision of 8740, new 8740.01 Employee dishonesty and faithful performance of duty insurance policy; Ellen Mathews classified RHS cook 2 1/2 hr effective Sept. 2, 2021. Approved resolution of temporarily requiring students to wear face coverings “mask” for 31 calendar days beginning Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021 through Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021, and resolution temporarily requiring all employees, volunteers, board members, parents/guardians, community members, contractors, businesses, groups renting district facilities, persons attending board meetings and persons attending extracurricular activities to wear face coverings for 31 calendar days beginning Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021 through Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021.
Next regular board of education meeting will be Monday, Oct. 18, at 6 p.m. at West Lafayette Elementary School Cafeteria.
Category: Education