Matt Haines
The Coshocton Football Alumni Association’s next Just a Kid From Coshocton story features former Redskin standout is #44 Clarence “Matt” Haines. He played for the Redskins as a fullback, linebacker and punter from 1982-1985 and is a 1986 Coshocton graduate.
Haines’ greatest high school football memory is the Cambridge game his senior year. The Skins started with three straight three and out series. He had run the ball nine times in those series and then shanked a punt on the third series kicking the ball 10 yards and having it bounce back toward the line of scrimmage setting up a Cambridge touchdown. After that he and the Skins “Got it together and steam rolled them.” In the process Haines set the then single game rushing mark with 268 yards rushing, which he held until 1998.
Haines’ best memories were not games, but the bus rides to and from the games with his teammates. “We had great times on those bus rides.” He reflected on his time as a Redskin and credited Coach John Kelley for turning the program around after back to back 0-10 seasons. “Coach Kelley cared about all of us as people, not just players.”
After graduating from Coshocton, Haines played three years as a fullback for Muskingum University. Though a shoulder injury cut short his playing career, he made the most of his time at Muskingum. Haines graduated with a degree in accounting and a minor in secondary education while also participating in the Ulster Club.
After college Haines opened and ran a tanning salon in Columbus. He also taught at Independence High school in Columbus for two years, before moving to Charlotte, North Carolina to pursue real estate with the Allen Tate Company. After several years he opened his own property management company, retiring last year after about 20 plus years of selling and owning several rental properties.
Haines has been married for 10 years to Susan Haines, they have a 14-year -old daughter. He and his wife also have two Cavapoo dogs, where they live on Lake Tillery in Norwood, North Carolina. He enjoys his retirement by fishing, working out and traveling with his wife. They just finished a month-long trip traveling to the west coast and back in their 30 foot RV.
Haines credits football with teaching him to be aggressive, take charge and go for what you want in life.
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Category: High School, Sports