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Women receive Celtic Cross award

| May 20, 2013
Six women at the Coshocton Presbyterian Church received the Celtic Cross Award on Sunday, May 19 during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Pictured l-r: Kimberly Hayes, Dee Lynn Grace, Sharon V. Sutton, Barbara R. Snyder, Caroline S. Heading, and Ann E. Leppla.

Six women at the Coshocton Presbyterian Church received the Celtic Cross Award on Sunday, May 19 during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Pictured l-r: Kimberly Hayes, Dee Lynn Grace, Sharon V. Sutton, Barbara R. Snyder, Caroline S. Heading, and Ann E. Leppla.

COSHOCTON – Six women at the Presbyterian Church had the surprise of their lives when they were honored with the Celtic Cross Award on Sunday, May 19 during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Dee Lynn Grace, Kimberly W. Hayes, Caroline S. Heading, Ann E. Leppla, Barbara R. Snyder, and Sharon V. Sutton were the recipients of this prestigious award, which recognizes adult leaders in the Presbyterian Church who have given exceptional services to children and youth within the church. The awards were presented by children of the church who have been influenced by these six recipients over the years, and they were nominated by Charles R. Snyder, Director of Music, at the Presbyterian Church.

Sharon V. Sutton has been leading the Presbyterian Cherub Choir for 24 years and has chaired the Worship and Evangelism Committees. She is very involved with the church as a Bethel Series teacher, a VBS teacher and helper, Chancel Choir member, and frequent Confirmation mentor. In addition to her church activities, she has organized and lead’s children’s ministry at Chestnut Crossings, a subsidized housing development. She has also be a church school teacher for 42 years.

“I was completely unprepared,” Sutton said. “What an honor and such a surprise. I’m very humbled by this gesture.”

Dee Lynn Grace has also been involved in the Cherub Choir for 15 years as their accompanist, and as a leader of lessons and activities for the cherubs. She has been a teacher to that age group in church school, a VBS teacher, Stephens Minister, and currently serves as a confirmation mentor and as chair of Shepherding Ministry.

Kimberly Hayes has led the Carol Choir for 23 years. She has also been producer and co-director of the children’s Christmas musical for 12 years. She has taught church school and helps recruit young people in youth programs within the church.

Barbara R. Snyder has been an accompanist and helper for Hayes in the Carol Choir for five years. She also serves as a rehearsal accompanist for the children’s Christmas musicals and teaches junior and senior high church school class.

“They’re just so energetic,” said Snyder about the children in the Carol Choir. “They seem to energize me and Mrs. Hayes.”

Ann E. Leppla has been an accompanist of the Crusaders Choir for eight years. She is also the accompanist for the children’s Christmas musical and subs frequently when other accompanists are absent. Leppla is a VBS helper and a substitute organist.

Caroline S. Heading has been accompanist for Moving Spirit, the high school and college men’s quartet for eight years. She has also accompanied the Celebration Singers, the high school choir since its inception five years ago. She helps with VBS and also served as a leader for the church’s Youth Group.

“It was a total surprise,” said Heading. “When you do this kind of work and you enjoy it as much as I do, it doesn’t feel like work.”

The Celtic Cross is a bronze medallion with a yellow cross against a dark blue background and hangs from a blue and green plaid ribbon. The award also comes with a personalized certificate.

The award is sponsored by the National Association of Presbyterian Scouters (NAPS) and co-sponsored by P.R.A.Y.

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About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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