Rabbits are a favorite animal to show

| October 2, 2024

Many of the competitors at the Coshocton County Junior Fair Rabbit show said they chose to show rabbits because rabbits are their favorite animal and are often easy to show. The show was held Sept. 30th in the Junior Fair arena.

Rylee Nichols, 15, was showing rabbits for the second time. “I always wanted to show something at the fair and I liked rabbits so it was an easy choice.” She said she was most nervous about the showmanship part of the competition. “It’s hard to flip them on their backs and keep them relaxed. And it’s hard to say good-bye at sale time.”

Nichols said she really enjoys showing her rabbits. “It allows me to show off my abilities with my rabbits and everything I’ve learned taking care of them.” She was a little nervous about remembering her showmanship speech.

Laetyn Holdsworth was showing rabbits for the last time. “I’m happy and sad. I won’t be here to help my sister anymore, but I’m happy the stress of showing is over.” He used to show hogs, but his family always had rabbits so he switched to those. “They are usually easier to handle than pigs. They are easy to show and pretty easy-going.”

“You have to get to know them and get them comfortable with you. Then they are easier to manage.” He gets a little nervous during the show when he needs to make sure the rabbits behave. He said he’ll miss “being able to show with his family and the people” he has known for a long time.

His sister, Larson, has shown rabbits for several years. “My brother started first and I started learning more about rabbits. They are my favorite animal.” She said it’s important to get rabbits comfortable with being flipped over and it’s sometimes hard to make sure rabbits behave during the show.

“The best part is getting to spend time with them and getting them to be comfortable with you. And I like getting to know them better, too,” Larson said.

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