Indian Mud Run in need of volunteers
COSHOCTON – The second annual Indian Mud Run challenge is Saturday, June 22 from 8 a.m. to sundown, and volunteers are still needed! Help is needed in doing last-minute preparations the day before and day of the event, helping to monitor runners during the run, and also photographing the event.
“Everything’s going well, but we’re walking a tightrope on getting everything done,” said Hubie Cushman, organizer for the Indian Mud Run. “This year is really important because if we do it really well this year, it will really kick off next year.”
A work day is planned this Saturday, June 15, next Friday, June 21 and the day of the race, Saturday, June 22 at 6 a.m. More than 1,000 people are expected to run in this year’s Mud Run, and there is still time to sign up at Participants may still sign up the day of the event, but it will cost more money.
The Indian Mud Run is very challenging with 30 obstacles in a 5K length across Lake Park. However, people who are less athletic than some can still participate. It’s not a race, but a way to challenge yourself physically and mentally.
“We’re trying to cater to both groups,” said Cushman. “It’s still a little more difficult than most, but you can still get through at a slower pace.”
Cushman said the most strenuous part of the Mud Run will be climbing hills. Other obstacles include a log ladder, cargo net climb, rope to climb a trail, 150 foot water slide, gauntlet run, monkey bars across water, crawling under a 30 inch high deck, 20 foot high climbing wall, crawling through a 50 foot mud pit, and running through a maze of arrows, among other things.
Obstacles that are too hard for any individual may be skipped. However, if you skip an obstacle, you will not be eligible for prizes. As long as you make an effort to do each obstacle, you will still be eligible for prizes. Next year, the back of the Indian Mud Run shirt will feature the names of the top winners from this year.
There will also be team competitions where people of all ages can form teams. Team winners will receive a t-shirt with their names printed on it.
After the run, there will be food, a beer garden, DJ, and a limbo. All runners over the age of 21 will receive a free beer after the race.
To volunteer to help or to sign up to participate, ‘like’ them on Facebook for a chance to win prizes and it helps to get the word out.
“We really encourage people to go on Facebook,” said Cushman. “It has a tremendous amount of information and is updated daily.”
Thirty percent of all profits go to the Volunteer Fire Department, REACT, and the sheriff auxiliary. Seventy percent will go to Lake Park.
Next year, 15 percent will be given to a local charity and the run will be a two-day event.
For more information, contact or go to their website at
Category: People & Places