Mark’s Musings – October 9, 2013
The Coshocton County Fair wrapped up with the typical outstanding community support for the junior fair auction. All indications are that the auction went well. The weather cooperated and as always, the volunteers – especially the many long hours put in by the senior and junior fair board members means exhaustion at fair’s end. When you see one of these folks, let them know they are appreciated.
Okay – for the guy at the airport that likes the Pirates, I guess you got me this year. As they always say in Cleveland, there is always next year. As this is Monday, the Bucs have not moved on yet, but it appears they are giving the Cardinals all they want. Now, about those Steelers . . .
It is most important that we write about the current government situation – or lack of government perhaps. Someone told me that even the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. is closed. That’s interesting because the last time I was physically standing at that memorial – it is not staffed nor is there any fence around it, tickets taken, etc. You get the Point. GET IT OPEN!
It is sad and disheartening to hear of school children that sold candy bars, recycled, and generally raised funds so their class could go to our nation’s capital to tour the monuments and places of interest. Once there, they discovered that many – if not most – of these places are closed due to the current ruckus in Washington. Shame on our politicians – regardless of political affiliation – to wreak this havoc on our country and spoil these kids – perhaps one and only opportunity to experience what Washington offers.
Perhaps we should ask the children what they think. We just might discover that they have a unique perspective on the crisis. And I for one am disappointed that our national parks and places special to our country are closed. Don’t our tax dollars pay for these in the first place?
The Buckeyes are proving that they belong in the hunt for the national title.
The new Coshocton Elementary School – wow. What a tremendous accomplishment for our community. It would be a good thing if folks would think before posting things on Facebook. This was needed and is a positive move for our community.
Why does it seem that whenever the news is centered on something negative something else happens that takes the focus off of that news item? I am speaking of course, of the weekend raids in Libya and Somalia by U.S. Navy Seals. I imagine it is just coincidence as this type of operation requires lots of detailed planning to be successful.
Syria is already dismantling their chemical weapons? Hmmm. This seems rather quick – especially for the United Nations. In fact, like lightning for them. Keep your eyes and ears open folks. There could be more to this than we know.
Fall seems to be upon us this week. Enjoy and thanks for reading The Beacon.
Category: Mark's Musings