Coshocton Furniture helps animal shelter
COSHOCTON – Payne Skelton had the pleasure of drawing the winning ticket for the 50/50 drawing Coshocton Furniture held to raise money for the Coshocton County Animal Shelter. Judy Thomas was the lucky winner of $268.50. The shelter also was a big winner as it received the other half of that money and several large bags of dog food and five cases packed with cat food, treats for dogs and cats, litter and other needed items that had been dropped off at the store during its drive to help the shelter. One hundred and forty dollars also was collected from candy machines and donated to the shelter. “This is so exciting,” said Chris Sturtz from the animal shelter. “This is food that we don’t have to purchase which gives us money we can put toward vet care for the animals and spaying and neutering them, which is so important.” Pictured from left are Denise Appis, the wife of Bill Appis, who runs Coshocton Furniture, Sophia Skelton, Payne Skelton, and Sturtz.
Category: Business, People & Places