Mark’s Musings – Jan. 7, 2015
Reflections of 2014 anyone? Overall, it was a positive year for our community. The Kraft announcement came as a huge attitude lifter and momentum builder. This expansion and the resulting jobs will have an impact for many years. Capital investments at several other local manufacturers are also positive and are providing jobs and needed investment into the community.
Our community witnessed a miracle when Coshocton Grain had an explosion with several employees in close proximity to the explosion and no one was seriously hurt. Here’s thinking of you cousin.
The shale drilling is not quite where many thought it would be at this point in our area but as you know, to the east of Coshocton County that one industry is responsible for reviving communities, planting new industry and in some cases, putting a lot of money into the pockets of hard working farmers and land owners. Let’s hope they take this windfall seriously and understand that they too, can help their community with this new found wealth.
What can we work on in 2015 and beyond?
Coshocton County is already blessed with people and organizations that work closely together to help others. In fact, I would go so far to say that it is this particular strength that we can continue nurturing and growing to deepen and strengthen our relationships across religion, race, jobs and opinions. The Appalachian spirit and work ethic runs deep throughout our community and the region.
Our schools and education system are solid with dedicated administrators and teachers that believe in their careers and more importantly, the kids they educate. Our teachers are dedicated to helping our kids – knowing that this generation of youngsters more than any other before them – will need to compete for jobs in a global workplace. There are some things that need addressed – constant testing and changing of how all of this is interpreted – takes our teachers off task. And that hurts our kids. It would be nice to let teachers teach. That is, after all, what they are trained to do. The politicians are not unless they happen to be a former educator themselves. Thankfully, conversations are ongoing in this area.
Agreed, some of our roads are a mess. That too, will be addressed later this year or next as some of our key roadways are scheduled to be worked on.
People from Coshocton County that make the headlines around the country and serve our country are further evidence that we raise good people and better citizens. Sure, just like everywhere there are some poor choices made. But thankfully those are the exception and not the rule.
So we roll into a New Year with a renewed hope and spirit of optimism. Continuing to shop local helps local businesses and organizations put money back into the community. Last time I checked, Amazon or Google didn’t give any money to help sponsor the kids ball team, buy any livestock at the county fair or contribute to a myriad of many other events that our community supports. And with that said, thanks to all of you for reading and supporting Coshocton County’s only locally owned newspaper in 2014.
Category: Mark's Musings