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New Castle Ministries planning fun and educational times for community

| June 2, 2015
Community outreach: Rae Anderson and her daughter Jenny Anderson manned Angels, Cups, & Pages on May 28, when the used bookstore opened for the season. The store is just one of many community outreach programs run by New Castle Ministries. Beacon photo by Josie Sellers

Community outreach: Rae Anderson and her daughter Jenny Anderson manned Angels, Cups, & Pages on May 28, when the used bookstore opened for the season. The store is just one of many community outreach programs run by New Castle Ministries. Beacon photo by Josie Sellers

NEW CASTLE – The members of New Castle Ministries enjoy meeting new people and reaching out to the community and they have a number of activities planned to help them do that.

The church’s used bookstore, Angels, Cups, & Pages, just opened for the season and the adjacent Samaritan’s Corner, also known as Sam’s Corner, is gearing up for kids activities. Both are located on the corner of State Route 206 and US Route 36.

The bookstore has served the community for five years now and is open from noon to 6 p.m. Thursday through Saturday.

“A group of volunteers from our church and others that don’t belong help occasionally because this is just not for our church, it’s for the whole community,” said Rae Anderson, who was volunteering at the bookstore on its first day of the new season with her daughter Jenny Anderson. “We (at the church) always wanted a bookstore and felt it would be a good outreach project for this corner of the community and a way to make new friends.”

Angels, Cups, & Pages has books for all ages on a variety of topics from mystery to Christian books to kids’ stories and everything in between. Hard covered books are $1, soft covered books are $.50 and kids’ books are three for $1. There also are special prices for new and rare books. Proceeds help with the maintenance and care of the store and any supplies that are needed.

Sam’s Corner will once again be the site of Kid’s Days activities. The fun times start Thursday, June 18 from 1 to 4 p.m. and continue every Thursday throughout the whole summer. The summer program will be packed with games, crafts, science projects, tutoring and healthy snacks. A small donation is requested to cover expenses.

“One week last year we had almost 40 people here and at least 30 of them were kids,” Rae said.

There also are Spanish classes at 5 p.m. on Thursdays for a cost of $15 a month.

“Anyone is welcome to take them,” Rae said. “We’ve had homeschoolers come and they are great for people going into the mission field who need to learn conversational Spanish.”

This, however, is just the beginning of what the church hopes to offer at Sam’s Corner. Plans are in the works for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace classes, a basic mechanics class, craft classes like jewelry making, a community garden and a farmers market.

“The Dave Ramsey classes are life changing,” Rae said. “I’m 60 some years old and I learned quite a bit. It’s $100 for the materials, but that’s for the whole family and you also get access to online resources. It’s the best $100 investment you will ever make.”

All of these programs couldn’t be possible without the help of volunteers like the Andersons, Tony and Ellen Findora, Paul Jackson, Barnaby Gilford, Carolyn Betz and others.

“It’s a community effort,” Rae said.

For information, visit www.newcastleministries.com or http://newcastleministries.wix.com/samaritanscorner or call 740-294-9786.

“We have about 35-40 people at our church and half of them are kids,” Rae said. “We have a wonderful church that is very dedicated. Reaching out to the community is just something we like to do.”



Category: Faith

About the Author ()

I started my journalism career in 2002 with a daily newspaper chain. After various stops with them, I am happy to be back home! I graduated from Coshocton High School in 1998 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication in 2002 from Walsh University. I also earned several awards while working for daily papers, including being honored by Coshocton County’s veterans for the stories I wrote about them. I am honored and ready to once again shine a positive light on Coshocton County. I also am the proud mother of a little girl named Sophia!

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