Women’s Organizations


Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.
Coshocton County Chapter OH59
Contact: Cindy
Phone: (740) 622-8413
Blue Star Mothers are a group of women who have children or grandchildren serving our country overseas. Cost is $20 a year for mothers and associates and fathers have no dues. Pins are $10 and are optional.
The group meets the second Monday of each month at the Nazarene Church.

Business Professional Women
Contact: Tomma Bordenkirker
Phone: (740) 622-0009
President: Kim Gress
Web site: www.bpw.ohio.org/coshocton
Meets the third Monday of every month. Call for location as location varies from month to month.

Canal Quilters
Contact: Nancy Donaker
Phone: (740) 623-0993
Meets the first Tuesday of every month at the Roscoe United Methodist Church at 7 p.m.

Club Scion Women’s Club
Contact: Shelly Howell
Phone: (740) 545-6528
Meets the third Wednesday of the month September – May. Time and location vary by month.

Coshocton Jr. Women’s Club
Contact: Pres. Carol Stahl
Phone: (740) 575-4011
Meets October – May the second Wednesday of the month at the Country Club. Also has annual bargain fair in September.

Gourmet Gals
Contact: Lola Endsley
Phone: (740) 622-5718
Meets the second Wednesday of every month except July and August. Call for location.

Heart of Gold
Contact: Becky Shroyer, Director of Volunteers at Coshocton County Hospital
Phone: (740) 623-4198
Meets the second Monday of each month. Location varies by month.

MADD Coshocton County Chapter
Contact: Jill Hammersley
Phone: (740) 623-0359
Hotline: 1-800-552-8641

Maternal/Child Health Center
Coshocton County Health Department
724 S Seventh St
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Phone: (740) 622-2999
Fax: (740) 622-5024
Hours: Monday – Wednesday: 8 a.m. – noon and 1 – 4 p.m.; Thursday: 8 a.m. – noon and 1 – 6 p.m.
Contact: Leane Rohr
E-mail: leane.rohr@odh.ohio.gov
Web site: www.coshoctoncounty.net/agency/health/mchprogram

Maternal Health Clinic (Pre-natal and Post-partum care)
Coshocton County Health Department
724 S 7th St
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Phone: (740) 622-2999
Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Email: sara.king@odh.ohio.gov
Web site: www.coshoctoncounty.net/agency/health/prenatal

Pink Ladies Auxiliary
Contact: Becky Shroyer, Director of Volunteers at the Coshocton County Hospital
Phone: (740) 623-4198
Meets the fourth Monday of every month at 10 a.m. in the Grand Central room at the Coshocton County Memorial Hospital.

Pregnancy Distress Center
128 Burt Ave
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Phone: (740) 622-3808
Offers abortion alternative solutions and social services. Specializes in helping pregnant women with difficult pregnancies and also with baby supplies such as maternity clothes, cribs, etc. They also help pregnant women
who may want to give their children up for adoption.

Women of Witness
305 Main St Suite 1
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Contact: Kathy Hendricks
Phone: (740) 622-3797
Women of Witness (WOW) is a non-profit organization that that provides spiritual and emotional services to their community.