2012 Woman of the Year named

| October 23, 2012


Pictured are previous Women of the Year award winners: Doris Parkhill, Eva June Kiser, Tomma Bordenkircher, Kim Gress (2012), Joan McNeely, Karen Fry, Marilyn Lauvray and Liz Herrell.

COSHOCTON – The 2012 Coshocton BPW Woman of the Year is Kim Gress. She joined BPW in 2006, and was brought into BPW byKaren Fry.

Ever since Gress became a member in 2006, she has been talking to women about membership in BPW. She is the example to all about how we should be promoting the organization to women in the community.

Gress has served as vice president for two years and president for two years. She has chaired the cake auction for four years and is currently serving as a BPW Region 4 officer.

In 2009, Gress was honored by the Tribute to Women of Achievement program with the Volunteer Award. Among her volunteer activities were volunteering as a Victim’s Advocate for rape and sexual assault victims and she also attended a series of training sessions to earn her certificate. Gress served as a Crisis Hotline Volunteer for several years. She then got involved with the First Step Domestic Violence Prevention Program and the First Step Domestic Violence Shelter. She now serves as Vice-President on the First Step Board. Gress was on the Board of Commissioners for the Coshocton Metropolitan Housing Authority, an active Policy Council Member of Coshocton County Head Start, a member on the Family Selection Committee for Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers/Big Sisters and GRADS, active participant and contributor to Bowl for Kids Sake, Facilitator for the Citizens Circle and has served on the First Friday Committee.

Her most precious volunteer hours belong to the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Event. Kim co-chaired Relay for Life for three years, one year with Bob Nicholson and two years with Emily McBurney. Her title for May of 2012 was Team Recruitment/Mentoring and Development Chair. Gress is currently serving as the President of the Coshocton County American Cancer Society Board. 

Gress is employed through The Ohio State University County Extension Office as a Program Assistant for the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). This free program serves limited income families with children by addressing issues like food safety, nutrition, using a grocery list and how to choose healthy foods for themselves and their families.

Gress has been married to her husband Kenny Gress for 16 years. She has a daughter, Danyelle Erin Sahlica of Cleveland and a son, Jarrod Allen Burt of Zanesville. She has four stepchildren, Richard Burt of Florida, John Burt of Coshocton, David Gress, of Plainfield, and Tara Gress Sthrol of Wills Creek. She is very proud to tell everyone about her 10 wonderful grandchildren, nine boys and one little girl.

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