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BPW to meet on March 21

| March 14, 2016

COSHOCTON – Coshocton Business and Professional Women (BPW) will  meet on Monday, March 21 at Jerry’s Great American Restaurant. The program will focus on Buckeye Girls State. A “paper drive” for First Step will also be held. Members and guests are encouraged to bring paper products for First Step.

Buckeye Girls State (BGS) is a week-long program designed to educate Ohio’s young women in the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of good citizenship. By getting involved in the process, Delegates learn more about City, County and State Government in one week than they will learn in an entire semester of high school.

BGS will be held on the campus of University of Mount Union, Alliance, Ohio June 2016.  Cost is $275.

American Legion Auxiliary Post 65 and Coshocton BPW each sponsor scholarships for girls to attend BGS. Donations are collected to fund additional scholarships if more than two girls apply. To help sponsor one of the girls or for more information on BGS contact Sandy Jenkins at 740-622-9900.

To attend eligible girls must meet the following criteria: Have completed their Junior year in high school, have an interest in government and current events, have high moral character, and have strong leadership abilities. Auxiliary Units are required to interview all candidates.

Buckeye Girls State is a nationally recognized program. Past participants have included Jane Pauley, newscaster and Ann Richards, former Governor of Texas, as well as a former Miss USA, a country music performer, a Brigadier General and a U.S. Congresswoman.

BGS participants are almost guaranteed admission to colleges.

BPW Foundation promotes equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information. For information on BPW, contact Membership Chair Sheila Mayse at 740-502-3047 or at coshoctonbpw@gmail.com. Membership is open to women and men, employed and unemployed.

Category: Clubs & Organizations

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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