Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for Aug. 17, 2016

| August 18, 2016

On Aug. 16, the Sheriff’s Office investigated two accident(s) and three complaint(s).



12:58 AM: Officers responded to a non-injury accident on TR 170 just off SR 93

4:22 PM: Officers responded to a non-injury accident at Cambridge Road and Orange Street



5:04 AM: Officers responded to a report of an assault at the River Glenn Estates on SR 83. Kevin Hardy of Coshocton was arrested and charged with one count of assault and one count of criminal trespassing.

9:54 AM: Sears reported one of their trucks broken into and items stolen

9:00 PM: Shana Courtney of Coshocton reported the theft of a bicycle.





Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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