Live Nativity brings the true meaning of Christmas to community
COSHOCTON – For 19 years, the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle has been bringing the true meaning of Christmas to the Coshocton community. Even before the church was built in 2005, the congregation used to do the program at an old John Deere building on Brown’s Lane.
“We just want to bring the true meaning of Christmas back to the community,” said Jacque Wagner, coordinator of the event.
Each year, the Live Nativity has 12 scenes depicting the marketplace, the tax collector, the inn where Mary and Joseph are turned away, the angel appearing to the shepherds, an angel choir, the wise men, and various scenes from Jesus’ life ending with the resurrection at the tomb.
The weather was so cold this year that most people were putting hunting gear on under their costumes just to keep warm. There were two shifts that went out, one at 6:30 p.m. and one at 7:30 p.m. so that no one was kept in the cold for more than an hour.
“It gets trying as you get older,” said Ray Conrad, who is 79 years old and has played a wise man since the Live Nativity started. “When you’re younger, you don’t mind standing out in the cold. It’s not as easy as it was back then.”
A warm meal was served to the participants before the event started.
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