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Elks golf league results announced

| May 22, 2017

COSHOCTON – Coshocton Elks 376 and Newcomerstown Elks 1555 had a golf tournament on May 15 at Hickory Flats Golf Course with the following results:

Low Gross (38) Terry Balo

Low Net (31) Tim Gaumer

High Points (13) Steve Schlarb and Caine Bricker

Most Bogeys (6) Tim Gaumer and Jerry Norman

Most Pars (5) Dave Richards, Ed Moyer, Bob Olinger, and Roger Eastman

Most Birdies (2) Larry Touville and Terry Balo

Most Eagles (0)

Leading Teams: Team # 11) Bob Olinger, Larry Murray, and Bill Schlarb

Category: Adult, Sports

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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