Mark’s Musings – June 14, 2017

Mark Fortune
Penguins, huh? Let’s look at it this way. If the Penguins can make it happen two years in a row, then why not the Cavs? Huh? Yes, why not. Monday night’s game has not happened as I write this so it could be over or the Cavs could be on the cusp of making history yet again when you do read this week’s column. I know you remember that the Cavaliers came back from a 3-1 deficit to win the 2016 NBA Championship. That was a statement, not a question because I know that you remember this historic event. Some of you even made the trip to Cleveland to celebrate. History. Can. Be. Made. Again.
It was a great weekend in Coshocton County! Balloons, musical entertainment, balloons, rides, Corvettes and more balloons helped inflate the slate of activities in our community on a terrific summer weekend. Can we use the word “summer” despite the fact that it is still – per the calendar – spring?
Come on! We all know that the “unofficial” start to summer begins on Memorial Day weekend. Why wait until June 21 just because the calendar says so? We certainly don’t wait to throw a burger or brat on the grill or put some plants in the ground do we? Of course not.
That brings us to the next topic. Should we consider changing the dates of spring and summer? Or, for that matter, all of the seasons? Winter starts on Dec. 1, spring starts on March 1, summer starts on June 1 and fall commences on Sept. 1. What could be easier than that? None of this solstice stuff anymore. Most folks aren’t aware of that anyways. What is it, an herb or a fancy name for a fancy flower?
We’re talking about changing the flag – possibly adding one more star for Puerto Rico – who had a whopping 23 percent of voters come out and vote on a referendum for statehood. This is a very lengthy process though. Eighty percent of the voters on this island nation normally turn out to vote but there is much angst about the possibility of statehood. There is a lot more to this story than I have words remaining. As I have mentioned in recent columns, you can Google it. I will add this caveat – this is the fifth time that voters in Puerto Rico have voted on statehood versus being a territory. The real issue is not statehood but the financial duress facing Puerto Rico. Schools, government services, pensions and more are at stake and in big trouble. Puerto Rico has a population of about 3.5 million.
The Tribe is still a game and a half out of first place, the Yankees are rolling with 37 games won (as of Monday), the Cubbies are only a game back and the Reds and Bucs are fighting amongst themselves for last place in the National League Central Division. What about Houston you ask? 44 games won. 12 games ahead of the Angels and it is early June! Houston is 23-8 on the road – winning two more games away than at home.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion