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ODOT launches Ohgo.com to save motorist time and money

| January 15, 2013

COLUMBUS – The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) today launched a new website designed to provide motorists with real-time travel information using state-of-the-art technology on Ohio’s roadways.

Ohgo.com was developed for multiple user platforms including mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. The purpose is to provide the latest traveler information to help motorists get to where they are going safer, faster, and easier than ever before.

“The price we pay for sitting in traffic is significant.  It’s time away from our families and money spent on wasted fuel,” said ODOT Director Jerry Wray.  “Ohgo.com will allow motorists to log on, look for traffic tie-ups and pick the best route – saving both time and money.”

Ohgo.com is interactive and will allow users to get up-to-the-minute travel information about:

  • Current highway traffic speeds
  • Traffic accidents, slowdowns, and tie-ups
  • Travel times from one location to another
  • Road construction, closures and delays
  • Traffic cameras to view current travel conditions, as they happen  
  • Winter road conditions available from November through April each season

Future updates to Ohgo.com may allow motorists to map their daily commute and receive electronic updates when accidents, slowdowns or closures occur. No timeframe is set for the launch of future updates at this time.

Ohgo.com is more user-friendly and officially replaces BuckeyeTraffic.org.

Category: Government

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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