Mark’s Musings – April 18, 2018

Mark Fortune
It’s time to make a decision. In fact, I would surmise that it is past time to make this particular decision. This specific decision really impacts all of us. That’s right. Every single one of us. Every color and every creed. It is not very often that we hear that in today’s polarized society. We hear the words “liberal” or “conservative” and our mind instantly conjures up an opinion – or maybe even a face or media personality to match.
But unfortunately this decision is not ours to make. Or, perhaps it is fortunate that we cannot make this decision. Yes, after giving this some thought – at least for a few moments – it is most wise that we cannot make this decision. Because we would most assuredly opt for the best that could be offered in this particular instance. We would not want any of the uncomfortable situations or circumstances – we would only want the best. And why not? Isn’t that normal for us humans?
Our decisions would cause a lot of changes to how we live. Some of those changes would be harmful, even life threatening at the most extreme and could wreak havoc on our society as we know it today.
This decision is one that just cannot be left to our devices. And I am not referring to our smart phones, tablets, computers or any of our electronic gadgetry. I am using the word “devices” in the vernacular that it was used before all of our gadgets came down the pike.
I am referring to the decision that only Mother Nature can make. That decision is: Will spring arrive or not?
If you have the opportunity and are so inclined, or maybe even not so inclined – you should watch a presentation at the newly opened Coshocton Planetarium. The folks who ensured that this gem stayed alive in our community for future generations cannot be thanked enough. It took a lot of energy, time and dedication – and of course money – to make sure that this asset continued to be useful and educational for current and future generations. Thank you to everyone that made this happen!
This Saturday, April 21 is “BIG Coshocton Cleanup Day”. Efforts over the past years have made a significant positive contribution to how our community looks on a daily basis. The lingering effects of a longer and colder than normal winter and rainy weather pattern means there is a lot of stuff out there that needs picked up. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. at the court square gazebo.
April is “Volunteer Month” and the volunteer spirit is alive and well in Coshocton County. Many of our organizations and clubs survive thanks to the many volunteer hours that are contributed each year. Thanks.
The Red Sox are hot, the Tribe is closing on the Twins, the Pirates are in first and the Redlegs have only won two. It could be a long year in the Queen city.
Catherine Howard will be missed. Always with a smile, she made a person feel good regardless of the day you were having.
I made a mistake in my “Mark’s Musings” column that appeared in the April 11, 2018 issue of The Beacon. There is a 1 mill levy for the Coshocton County Emergency Medical Services (CCEMS) on the May 8 primary ballot – not the Coshocton County Emergency Management Services as written. I apologize to our readers, and particularly these wonderful agencies and their employees.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion