Updates on projects shared at council meeting
COSHOCTON – Pastor Mike Jansen stopped by Coshocton City Council’s July 23 meeting to praise the city for the Three Rivers Bridge reconstruction project and the changes being done to the onramps there.
“That project is fantastic,” he said. “I thank you so much for the work you do for our community.”
Karen O’Dell then stepped up to encourage council to take a stand against Buckeye Brine filing with the Ohio EPA to convert two of its three Class II wells into Class I non-hazardous injection waste wells.
During the meeting, Mayor Steve Mercer mentioned that a steering committee was being put together for a feasibility study on combining the city and county health departments. He asked if someone on council would serve on the committee, which is only supposed to meet twice. He also said that the city’s IT department would be getting back with him on more information about tablets and microphones for council members.
Safety Service Director Max Crown announced that the city received a FEMA grant that will be used to help with issues with some drains that were caused by flooding.
Property Code Investigator Jeff Corder shared that the Swayne Street property that was brought up at the last council meeting had been mowed. He said the land owner took care of the issue and the Tumblins, who were concerned about it, were happy with the outcome.
Council then passed the resolution requesting certification of millage for a 5-year renewal tax levy in the City of Coshocton. The purpose of the levy is for general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of streets, roads, and bridges including catch basins, sidewalks, curbs and matching funding for said purposes in the City of Coshocton.
Category: Government