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Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for Jan. 15, 2019

| January 15, 2019

On Jan. 14, 2019 the Sheriff’s Office investigated 3 accident (s) and 0 complaint (s):



8:20 A.M.  Toby Gore of Coshocton was traveling southbound on State Route 16 and turned onto Township Road 285 when Samuel Mensah of Columbus was traveling the same direction and struck Toby Gore on the passenger side.


2:01 P.M.  Shane Art of Coshocton was traveling westbound on Grandview Avenue and stopped at 807 Grandview Avenue for a sheriff’s cruiser that was in the roadway for a call.  He decided to turn around in the roadway and go forward and then hit ice and the gassed the vehicle, struck a house and fled the scene which led to a short pursuit.


5:27 P.M.  Susan Border was stopped at a stop sign and attempted to back up and struck Margaret Babcock.



None Reported.



Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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