Mark’s Musings – March 20, 2019

| March 19, 2019

Mark Fortune

It’s March Madness time! It’s madness all around with this crazy Ohio weather, snow one hour and 50 degrees the next. You know how it is this time of year. As we push headlong into spring – IT’S FINALLY HERE! – we just need to wait on the forsythia to bloom so we can have those final three snows – that – although a myth in many circles – does somehow seem to occur with surprising regularity. Does the little blast of snowfall we received late Sunday afternoon count? Somewhere in Coshocton County there is probably forsythia blooming right now – somewhere. . . so that leaves two?

Let’s shift to the madness on the hardwood. There are not too many people that are not aware of the college basketball tournament fever that sweeps the nation each March – typically right around St. Patrick’s Day. This year is no exception with several Cinderella stories already predicted – (Wofford being one) and people that fill out a bracket wondering if their choice of upsets will help them win the office or family pool. Here’s a hint – the 12 seeds over the five seeds are usually good choices for an upset. And how many people will choose Iowa State to beat the Buckeyes (11 seed) in the first round? Choose wisely as the armor clad sage said in the Indiana Jones movie.

You only have a few days remaining to finalize your bids to ensure that you get your choice of goodies in the annual Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce online auction. I have scoured the list and there are some way cool items up for bid! This is the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce’s largest fundraiser of the year and the monies raised help all of us here in Coshocton County. So bid, bid, and bid away!

This week is another capstone moment in our community with the annual United Way of Coshocton County breakfast that recognizes campaign chairs and givers. To everyone that contributes to the annual campaign goes a big thank you – the monies raised will allow well over a dozen organizations in our community to provide services throughout the year to people of all ages and interests. You can be assured that the money you contribute will go far and help a lot of people and youth in Coshocton County.

It is a very positive thing for our community that Larry and Rodney Endsley have purchased the former GE property as this keeps the decisions about the property local and the ownership (now) local.

The Indians have some promise perhaps based on their spring training performance. The Tribe is in fourth place in the Cactus League behind San Diego, the Cubs and Oakland. How much stock can you put into this? Time will tell. The Yankees have won the most games in the Grapefruit League while their arch rival Boston is in last with only eight wins. You know that won’t stand in the regular season so that might tell us something right there. Regardless we are only a few days away from the start of another regular season of baseball. That means warmer days are surely ahead of us.

Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion

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