City Council recognizes Rocky Roahrig with certificate of appreciation
COSHOCTON – Rocky Roahrig was honored with a certificate of appreciation during the Coshocton City Council meeting on Monday, July 22. Roahrig has been a businessman in Coshocton for many years and served on the city health board for 16 years. He was given a proclamation by Mayor Steve Mercer.
“I’m not quitting,” said Roahrig. “I’m retiring. I thought it was time to give it up. I’ve enjoyed it. I like people and Coshocton has been nice to me. The first day after I graduated high school, I said I’m staying in Coshocton and I did. I went off to the army and then came home. I appreciate this. It means a lot to me.”
The mayor also asked that council be in recess for the month of August, which was approved. He reminded council that the America in Bloom judges were in town on Monday, July 22 and Tuesday, July 23. Monday morning, the judges met with city officials and Tuesday evening, they met at the Lock Landing in Roscoe Village in the evening to give an overview of observations of the community.
Safety Service Director Max Crown asked council to table the 35-19 ordinance which is an ordinance authorizing the mayor or service director to sign all documents necessary for the city to purchase property at Fairy Falls Drive from Otsego Avenue to the railroad tracks in the city of Coshocton. Roger Moore made a motion to table the ordinance which was seconded by Glenn Mishler.
Cherry Wilson read a letter of appreciation to city council from the Lafayette Township trustees thanking them for their support during the June flood.
Three readings were given to the following ordinances and they were approved:
- 37-19 an ordinance to amend ordinance 34-19 dated July 8, 2019
- 38-19 an ordinance authorizing the mayor of service director to sign all documents necessary for the city to purchase property at the corner of Main Street and Hickory Street in the city of Coshocton
- 39-19 Appropriations
The next city council meeting will be Monday, Sept. 9.
Category: Government