Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for October 2, 2019
On October 01, the Sheriff’s Office investigated 3 (s) and 3 complaint(s).
10:54 A.M. Joseph Hunley of Warsaw failed to yield and struck Mary Pope of Coshocton at the intersection of N. 3rd St. and Sycamore.
3:15 P.m. Joseph Roth backed into James Tarman Jr. in the Hopewell School Parking Lot.
4:07 P.M. Norma Dickerson ran a red light at Cambridge and Kenilworth and struck Kurt Knicely.
8:38 A.M. The Litter Officer discovered multiple illegal dumps on County Road 405.
8:44 A.M. Amy Kiss reported criminal damaging to an apartment.
12:58 P.M. Karla Schaefer reported being scammed.
Category: Sheriff's Report