Hear Again giving the gift of hearing
Hear Again LLC is seeking nominations of people with hearing loss who have experienced financial difficulty during 2020 and would benefit from receiving a set of ReSound ONE hearing aids, free of charge.
Nominations are made by emailing aaron@hearagainllc.com or calling 740-552-1519 with the name, contact information and explanation of financial challenge for the nominee. Nominations must be received by Jan. 15, 2021.
“In a year that’s been filled with adversity, we want to support those in our community who are struggling with hearing loss, especially those most impacted by the pandemic,” said Aaron Garabrandt.
As part of the ReSound Gives Sound community campaign, Hear Again can nominate at least two people to receive a set of ReSound ONE hearing aids, one of the best hearing aids available on the market today.
ReSound has committed to donate up to $1 million in ReSound ONE hearing aids to hearing care professionals around the country. Hear Again is waiving initial fitting and follow-up care fees for recipients.
Category: Business