A Simpler Thyme Ltd. planning grand opening of herb cabin

Julia Brown, owner of A Simpler Thyme Ltd., will be operating her business out of her own herb cabin.
FRESNO – Julia Brown’s dream will come true on Saturday, June 29 when she celebrates the grand opening of her herb cabin on her family’s property in rural Fresno.
Brown, the owner of A Simpler Thyme Ltd., is a certified master herbalist and iridology practitioner. She has given presentations on the benefits of herbs, offered classes and spa days, and private consultations for years. Now she has a dedicated space to provide even more of these services.
“Now I’ll be able to offer more to people in a close setting in a control environment year round,” Brown said. “I want to reignite people’s passion for herbs and doing things naturally. God put herbs on this Earth for our benefit.”
She has been studying the use of herbs as both food and medicine for the past 30 years. In 2014, Brown earned her certificate of completion to become a master herbalist. The government, however, does not acknowledge this as a profession so there is no degree or diploma that can be earned.
“I can’t diagnose people,” Brown said. “I can only give my opinion on what herbs could help. I can’t use words like heal or fix either.”
She credits her grandmother for getting her interested in herbs.
“My grandmother was very much a country woman,” Brown said. “She’d go out to the garden, pick things and whip something up. I couldn’t have told you what she picked though. I attribute my love of doing that to her. My mom wasn’t into gardening, but she was a wonderful cook.”
The use of herbs helped Brown overcome a back injury she suffered in 2012.
“I fell up the steps and fractured my L5,” she said.
Doctors wanted to do surgery but Brown changed her diet, exercised, worked on her core and practiced her philosophy that, “Food should be your medicine and medicine should be your food.”
“I’ve been fine and no surgery was required,” Brown said.
She also recently has become interested in iridology, which is the study of the human eye.
“Your hands and feet are a map to your body, but so is your iris,” Brown said. “It can’t give you a diagnosis, but it can help you see your strengths and weaknesses.”
She is excited to share her knowledge with others in the cabin that was built in honor of her late mother.
“She used to close her eyes and tell me to walk her through what it would look like and how it would be decorated,” Brown said. “There are a lot of things in here that are sentimental. It’s because of her that I’m able to do this.”
Her husband Brian and children Autumn and Austin also helped with the project, which will be revealed to the public during the open house scheduled for 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 29, at 51953 TR 186, Fresno. There will be drawings, prizes, giveaways and herbal samplings. Upcoming workshops will be posted online and on Facebook. For more information on A Simpler Thyme Ltd. visit its Facebook page or go to www.asimplerthyme.com. Brown also can be reached at 740-502-9830 to set up an appointment.
“I’m just so thankful and blessed to be able to do this,” she said. “I know my mom is smiling.”
Category: Business