Adults compete at Kiwanis Track and Field Day

| March 16, 2023

As part of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in March, the Coshocton Kiwanis Track and Field Day was held on March 14 for adults with disabilities.

Toby Collins, director of recreation and Special Olympics with the Coshocton County Board of DD, said there were about 90 athletes and their staff registered for the event, plus approximately 60 Key Club members and volunteers.

When asked why she thought this event was so important, Collins said, “It gives our adults a chance to socialize with people who are with other provider groups and make new friends. It also builds self-esteem because they are so proud of their accomplishments and love showing off the ribbons they have earned.”

The adult day event brings individuals from the different agencies in Coshocton together, plus those with independent providers within Coshocton County.

Michael Wolfe said he was having lots of fun at the track and field day. “I like the fact that I got three first place ribbons and I got to meet lots of new people. I like track, basketball, and football.”

Kyle Sianjina was also having fun. “I got three ribbons, too,” he said. “I got a blue in running and second in basketball and a second in football. I like seeing lots of friends I don’t get to see very often. Running is my favorite.”

Tyler Rice said he had a first-place ribbon in the football toss and a third-place shooting basketballs. “I like cheese pizza from Domino’s,” he said. “I work there.  I want another ribbon, so I have to run fast.”

Riley Reveal was also thrilled that cheese pizza was for lunch. “Cheese pizza makes me happy,” he said. “I like to play Jenga.”  Riley won a second-place ribbon in the football toss and a third in basketball.

Collins said she wanted to thank several people for helping with the event. “A huge thank you to the Coshocton High School Key Club and my volunteers who do an amazing job. We couldn’t put events this size on without their involvement every year. We would also like to thank Kids America for allowing us to have this annual event in their facility.”

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