‘Adventures of a Comic Book Artist’ set for stage
The Coshocton Footlight Players are rehearsing and preparing for their children’s play. This year, 17 children ages 8 to 17 have dedicated their summer to rehearsing and practicing in preparation for the production of “Adventures of a Comic Book Artist.”
The play follows Stanley Leonardo Sappovitz who is a janitor at Wonder Comics. Stanley longs for the day when his boss, D.C. Wunderman notices his talent as a gifted comic book artist. In his persistence to be noticed and taken seriously, Stanley, along side his band of super heroes consisting of Star Guy, Triple Time, Blossom and Wombat Woman join forces to try to defeat the evil villain Doctor Shock Clock, who unexpectedly comes to life both on and off paper.
According to play director, Shelly Lillibridge, the production is G rated and is sure to be safe and fun for the whole family. “This is going to be a great show for kids to come and watch,” said Lillibridge. Lillibridge went on to express how impressed she is with the children who have been rehearsing since the day after Memorial Day. “This is a big commitment for the children and the families to make. These children have been practicing day after day and basically spent their summer break rehearsing.”
The musical will showcase several solos and trios, as well as demonstrate the power of working together and how if you can dream it, you can be it, Lillibridge explained. “Come and support and promote the youth who have worked so hard to make this production possible and enjoy a fun evening with your kids or grandkids” Lillibridge said.
“Adventures of a Comic Book Artist” will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, July 15-16, and July 22-23. Sunday, July 17 and 24 performances will be at 2:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online by going to www.footlightplayers.com.
Category: Arts & Entertainment