AIB judges to ‘P.O.P’ around Coshocton

| July 8, 2013


COSHOCTON – Get ready for company because the America in Bloom Judges will be in Coshocton Thursday and Friday, July 11-12.

The hanging baskets in the downtown area are filling in and neighborhoods are in full bloom. The judges will be assessing Coshocton on six criteria. On Thursday the visit will focus on all six: Floral Displays, Landscaped Areas, Urban Forestry, Environmental Efforts, Heritage Preservation and Overall Impression.

On Thursday, the Coshocton is Blooming committee (CIB) will show the AIB judges the east side of the river as they visit city hall, Main Street, the Progress Center and the court house. Following a luncheon presentation on Urban Forestry by Deb Wallace, the tour will continue to Annin Flag, the Zero Street area and the Community Gardens. The tour will be completed with a drive through the eastern side of Cambridge Road and head down Chestnut Street to Rock Tenn.

The area west of the river will be visited Friday, July 12 and will focus on Floral Displays, Landscaped Areas, Heritage Preservation and Overall Impression. This route will take the judges to the Freund Gardens, Clary Gardens, Old Caldersburg Cemetery and a walk through Roscoe Village to the Visitor Center.

As with a visit to any town, a positive image creates a lasting memory and this is why the Overall Impression category is so important. Businesses and residents worked hard with the spring clean-up to beautify Coshocton and they continue to do so. Cleanliness, lack of litter and maintenance of properties help to make Coshocton a show place and the CIB committee thanks everyone for doing their part to welcome the judges.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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