River View High School students Darian Garvin, Jasmine Edgar, and Jaylinn Williamson wanted to complete a senior project revolving around softball.
These seniors selected softball Coach Infante as their mentor and set the goals of painting the dugouts, finding and recording softball records on the athletic department website, and organizing the first softball alumni game. By May 14, all their goals were met.
During the fall and winter months they set up a Facebook page – River View Softball Alumni Game. They were surprised at all the comments and interest they received from alumni players. So planning began for the first alumni softball game. They researched all the prior teams by using yearbooks and put many team pictures on their Facebook page. This is, also, when they started collecting the records. You can view these records by visiting the athletic website on
www.river-view.k12.oh.us. In the spring, they worked around the rainy weather to paint the dugouts.
Twenty-one Lady Bear alumni played two games on May 14. They started at 11 a.m. and the three senior girls were able to play because they were alumni. All had a great time and games were very competitive. Many said it was so good to connect with the players and coaches of the past and hung out after the games were over.
Coach Infante said that this is now a tradition and, “We will have one next year.” Garvin said, “The whole purpose of this project was to give back to the program that had given us so much. In return we made improvements to the field and held the first ever alumni game to bring together the family that created the legacy that lives on today.” Coach Infante added, “We wouldn’t be where we are now without the past. We are a family and once a Lady Bear – always a Lady Bear.”
Category: Adult, Sports