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American Legion Car Show announced

| July 28, 2017

legion car showCOSHOCTON – The American Legion Post 65 in Coshocton is having its 4th annual Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Show on Saturday, Aug. 5, at the corner of 7th Street and Chestnut Street at the Hopewell Parking Lot.

Vehicle registration will be from 9 a.m. – noon and is $12; however, registration will only be $10 if it is completed before Aug. 5. All entrants will be eligible for door prizes.  Judging starts at noon and awards will be presented at 3 p.m. The “Top 30” entries will receive trophies in addition to “Best Car,” “Best Truck,” Best Bike,” “Best of Show,” and “Commander’s Choice” for a total of 35 beautiful trophies. Engraved dashboard plaques will be given to the first 100 entries, so entrants are encouraged to arrive early.

The public is invited to come and admire all of the amazing vehicles. Last year, there were more than 50 vehicles to see. There will also be great food and entertainment.  Raffles will be conducted throughout the event and there will be a 50/50 drawing.

As always, 100 percent of the proceeds will benefit our local veterans. Any questions can be directed to Post 65 at (740) 622-6106.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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