Sara Chisnell and Sue will appear on A&E’s “America’s Top Dog.” (Submitted)
Sara Chisnell has been into dog sports for a long time, and later this month, she will share her passion with viewers of A&E’s “America’s Top Dog.”
“They have social-media presence, and I started looking around on it,” Chisnell said. “Their first season was more about police dogs, but for the second season, they were looking for more civilian-type dogs to have a broader audience. I applied last winter and ended up doing interviews over Skype.”
Chisnell was chosen for the show and filmed in September 2020. “They flew us to California for the competition,” she said. “It’s kind of like ‘American Ninja Warrior’ but for dogs.”
Chisnell’s dog Sue, a German Shorthaired Pointer, was treated very well on the flight. “They flew him like he was a celebrity,” she said. “He had two seats and sat right next to me. Everyone was taking pictures of him.”
Chisnell has had Sue since he was 8 weeks old. She also owns his father.
“I’m hooked on the breed,” Chisnell said. “I like their drive and their work ethic. They are really in tune to their human. (Sue) wants to work, but he finds joy in whatever he does. He tries with his whole heart and puts it into everything he does.”
In addition to doing dog sports with Chisnell, Sue also has become an unofficial therapy dog at the Coshocton County Department of Job and Family Services.
“I’ve worked there close to a year and a half as an attorney,” Chisnell said. “COVID brought high levels of stress here. (Sue) is in here a couple of days a week and is a huge stress relief. He kind of has his own job.”
Sue and Chisnell’s “America’s Top Dog” episode will air on Tuesday, June 29 on A&E.
“You will have to watch to see what happens,” she said. “I wouldn’t mind doing it again. It was pretty fun.”
Category: People & Places