An historic look at The Star Spangled Banner

| February 18, 2014

USFlagSunlightHC1311_X_300_C_YThis year marks the 200th anniversary of the writing of the Star Spangled Banner. The Coshocton Public Library will celebrate the historic anniversary with a further look at this heart-felt and poetic masterpiece on Thursday, March 6 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. Deborah Crowdy and Holli Rainwater will take participants deep into the details of that long ago night. Discover why Francis Scott Key was out on a boat in the Chesapeake Bay during a raging battle? Follow the song’s long journey to becoming our National Anthem. Witness some of the great performances of this stirring song through the years. Call the Library at 740-0956 to sign up for this program or for further information. The program is geared for adults but can be appreciated by 4th graders and above.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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