Antique tractors and equipment displayed at fairgrounds

The 12th annual Coshocton County Antique Power Association Summer Show was held July 13-14, at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds. This year’s show featured Farmall and Case International, but other tractors and antique equipment were welcome. Abbey Warschauer | Beacon
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton County Fairgrounds was home to another event this summer, the 12th annual summer show for the Coshocton County Antique Power Association (CCAPA). This was an all weekend event that included a flag raising, exhibits, games, The Real McCoy BBQ, entertainment, a safety demo, and a church service.
“It started 12 years ago with some gentleman and some ladies that had some equipment that they wanted to show and share. Share our love of this thing. So we had a meeting, got together and decided we’d have a show,” said Ed Skerness, president of CCAPA.
Since then, club members show their equipment at events all over. The club itself even puts on another show like this right in front of Tractor Supply Co. Tractor Supply Co. is also where they have their monthly meetings. These meetings are a great way for fellow farmers and history buffs to get together, share their passion for the subject, talk and learn together, have fellowship with one another, and be a second family to one another.
The real gem of the show was the Appleton Shredder. It has been a part of the CCAPA for almost a decade now, but it has been a part of Coshocton County for much longer. “[It] came to Cooperdale on a railhead, and it changed the way farming was done in Coshocton County. Because before this came, people didn’t have anything to do with the corn stalks. And this right here separates the corn from the stalks so animals can eat it,” Skerness said.
This piece of equipment is a rare sight to see. Because of its wooden parts, equipment like this doesn’t age well and decays over time. But with the TLC from this club and the Ashcraft family that donated it, the Appleton Shredder is still as beautiful as ever after 109 years. And that is why it’s considered to be “the backbone of the club.”
Great history like this is found all over this county, but little nook and cranny organizations like the CCAPA put that history out on display so people can love and learn about it together.
Whether you have an antique truck or tractor, CCAPA welcomes all powered equipment older than 25 to their shows. They meet the second Sunday of every month at 3 p.m. at Tractor Supply Co., and their next meeting is Aug. 11.
Category: Clubs & Organizations, Multimedia, Photo Galleries