Aquarium is new feature in the children’s room at library

Children at the educational library program on Wednesday, Aug. 22 gathered around the library’s new aquarium located in the children’s room to see the new coral that was being installed by Meghan Douglas, teen coordinator.
COSHOCTON – Children gathered around the newest addition to the children’s room at the Coshocton Public Library on Wednesday, Aug. 22 during one of the library’s educational programs focusing on ocean life. An aquarium was introduced to the children’s room just last month and has been the focus of three educational programs since that time with many more to come.
So far, the aquarium is teaming with all sorts of ocean life including snails, peppermint shrimp, two emerald crabs, a hermit crab, a brittle star, engineer goby, two clown fish, a fire fish, and a royal gramma. On Wednesday, Meghan Douglas, teen coordinator at the library, added a six-line wrasse and four pieces of coral.
“I came from the Licking County Library,” said Douglas. “They had a small tank there set up and the plan was to do a program about coral reefs and ocean life. When I transferred to Coshocton, Cyndi [Shutt] and Debra [Crowdy] already had an ocean theme going on here, so they loved the idea of getting a fish tank here.”
Douglas has been at the Coshocton Public Library since the first part of May. The aquarium was funded through the children’s department budget program and some of the equipment for the aquarium was purchased through the teen budget program.
Douglas, Crowdy, and Shutt have been trained on proper aquarium management and the weekend staff at the library has been trained on how to properly feed and care for the fish. A wave machine was recently installed as well to simulate the ocean.
On Wednesday, Douglas incorporated brain coral, Kenya tree coral, feather duster coral, and zoanthid coral into the tank. On Nov. 13 at 6 p.m., they will be adding more features to the aquarium and the public is invited to come and learn more about ocean life.
“It [the aquarium] has just added a lot of excitement to the children’s room for both the staff and the children,” said Shutt, children’s programmer. “It’s providing a wonderful educational experience for all of us.”
The library has also purchased books on coral and aquarium life since adding the fish tank to the children’s room.
“This is such a good way to bring attention to children about our oceans and they can experience a different world and environment,” said Crowdy, children’s service manager. “Many of them don’t get the opportunity to go and see different parts of the world.”
During the program, the library streamed on Facebook live and had 48 views during the 20-minute program.
“I think that shows the interest that people have in a different environment and it’s something we don’t get the opportunity to see in Coshocton County,” said Crowdy.
Director of the library, Jennifer Austin, hopes that the aquarium is something that families can enjoy and learn from on an everyday basis.
“It’s just exciting to see families excited about all of the changes taking place at the library, the aquarium included” she said. “It’s an opportunity to learn something together that they may not be familiar with. They can stop in anytime and look at the aquarium and continue to learn from it.”
The Coshocton Library is open Monday through Wednesday from 9:30 – 8 p.m., Thursday and Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Category: Education