Area clean-up days announced

| March 27, 2024

Every spring, volunteers around the community gather to make Coshocton look pretty after the winter. The dates have been announced for West Lafayette, Coshocton, and Lake Park Clean-Up Days. Anyone is welcome to help and no registration is needed.

Clean-up day at Lake Park will be Saturday, April 6 from 9 a.m. to noon. Volunteers are encouraged to bring their favorite garden tools. Sherry Kirkpatrick, a member of Friends of the Park, said some gloves and tools will be provided, as will trash bags. “We’ll have a light lunch after for those who volunteer. You don’t need to stay for the whole three hours – any time you can help will be greatly appreciated.”

West Lafayette Clean-Up Day will be Saturday, April 20 beginning at 9 a.m. We R WL is hosting the day for the village and surrounding area. The group is collecting donations to pay for the two dumpsters (around $400 each).

According to the event page for We R WL Clean-up day, the cost for a tire dumpster is around $3,000 so sponsors are definitely needed for that. Cost for tire disposal will be $5 per tire with a limit of 10 tires. Coshocton Recycling has offered a roll-off for scrap metal, so if you have a large item, such as a stove, let the group know. Some bags, gloves and hand sanitizer will be available.

The United Way of Coshocton is once again sponsoring Clean-Up Coshocton on Saturday, April 20. Volunteers are to meet at the Coshocton County Court Square at 8:30 that morning. Erin Slaughter, executive assistant director of the United Way, said groups will be assigned areas of the city. “Trash bags, gloves, and reflective vests will be provided. We will also have free t-shirts for the first 50 people to come that morning and bottled water, donuts and granola bars for all volunteers.”

Clary Gardens is not holding a clean-up day, but is always open to new volunteers who would like to help maintain the gardens.

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