Auditions for new play announced

| September 22, 2022

The Footlight Players are happy to announce that open auditions will be held Sunday, Oct. 2, at 4 p.m. and Monday, Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. at the Triple Locks Theater. Auditions will be for their next production, “Hallelujah Girls” which is scheduled to be performed Friday and Saturday, Nov. 25-26 and Dec. 2-3, 9-10 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 4 at 2:30 p.m.

Those auditioning do not need to bring anything prepared, just be ready to read from the script provided. The play is directed by Nathan Mayse. There are parts available for six women and two men. Any ages can audition

After the sudden death of a dear friend, a feisty group of women from the town of Eden Falls, Georgia, decide that life is indeed short, and they vow to change their lives and achieve their dreams. Sugar Lee Thompkins decides to reach for her elusive star by converting an abandoned church into a day spa. The SPA-DEE-DAH is born, and the fun begins thanks to Sugar Lee’s dear friends Carlene, Nita, Mavis and Crystal. The comic tension mounts when Sugar Lee’s old high school boyfriend (Bobby Dwayne) shows up, and Sugar Lee’s life-long rival (Bunny) vows she’ll stop at nothing to steal the spa building, (which may house a surprising secret), away from Sugar Lee. “The Hallelujah Girls” is one of those silly, rollicking shows that our audiences love. It reminds us of the importance of good friends, and of not taking life so seriously that we forget to laugh and love.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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