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Backyard chickens series offered

| April 1, 2015

COSHOCTON – If you are new to having a small flock or backyard chickens or if you have an interest in rearing chickens, plan on attending the two-part series Backyard Chickens on April 9 and 16 at 6 p.m. in Room B100 of the Coshocton County Services Building. This two-part series is basic-level information for the new or prospective chicken owner. On April 9, the topic is “So You’ve Got Chicks, Now What?” and will cover food, shelter, breeds, health, predators and more. On April 16, the topic is “Backyard Chicken Basics” and will discuss food and shelter, bird health, predators, production and marketing and consuming meat and eggs.

This series is hosted by the OSU Extension- Coshocton County Office and the cost is $3 per participant per session or $5 per person for both sessions. Registration is needed by April 7 and the registration flyer can be found online at coshocton.osu.edu or at the OSU Extension Office at 724 South 7th St. Coshocton. Additional questions may be referred to Tammi Rogers at 740-622-2265.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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