Benefit held for future homeless shelter in Coshocton

The Amazing Susie (AKA Susie Stout) and her invisible flea, Hermie, entertain the children at the Standing Oaks Benefit on Saturday, Sept. 14 at the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle. Jen Jones | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Their vision is: To provide a safe, clean and temporary place for homeless people to be while transitioning from housing instability to housing stability.
To reach that goal, the Coshocton County Homelessness Coalition and Standing Oaks of East Central Ohio held a day of fun to raise money for their goal – to create a homeless shelter in the community. The benefit was held at the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle on Saturday, Sept. 14.
Sharon Thomas, organizer of the event, said, “We are ready to start raising funds, so I thought a day that incorporates children’s activities might be fun. I wanted something where parents or grandparents could bring the kids, have a meal and relax while the kids did activities.” The meal was by donation and all activities were free.
The Broken Child Band, from Pataskala, played music and The Amazing Susie (Susie Stout) performed a magic show. Activities included bubbles, games with Echoing Hills, face painting and other games. Mickey and Minnie Mouse, from Character Express, also joined the fun. A live and silent auction was also held.
Thomas said the cause of homelessness is one that is close to her heart. “Everyone deserves a place to feel safe and clean. God loves us all. I know many people think all the homeless are drug addicts, but that’s not true.” She also said that many are homeless through loss of a job or are veterans. “It’s going to take a few years to get our shelter, but when we do, we are also going to offer other services they might need.”
“I am so thankful and blessed by the generosity of this community. More than 100 businesses and individuals donated items for our auction. It amazes me. And thank you to the Tabernacle for allowing us to be here.” Thomas also wanted to thank the Coshocton Senior Center for all of their help with the benefit.
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