Bible and Kinzel named fair royalty

Coshocton County Fair Queen and King Brett Kinzel and Cale Bible. Beth Scott | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Cale Bible and Brett Kinzel were named the Coshocton County Fair King and Queen during the opening ceremony held Friday evening, Sept. 27 in Hunter Arena at the fairgrounds.
“I was excited when I heard my name,” Bible said. “I looked up to the people that came before me. I wanted to do this to push myself and see how far I could go. I want to get out in the community and be a leader.
He and Kinzel are both seniors at River View High School and are involved in a number of school and community activities.
“I’m so excited for this,” Kinzel said about her title. “It’s a great honor. I’m looking forward to representing our county and our fair. I want to visit as many different county fairs as I can.”
Their attendants this year are Memphis Cutshall, Logan Smith, Emma Anderson, and Kaitlyn Richard.
Two community members also received awards during the ceremony.
The Community Champion Award went to Steve Clark and the Friend of 4-H Award went to Mike Gross.
“I really appreciate this,” Clark said. “I chose to come back here after the service because I think it’s the best county in Ohio and I love the people here.”
He and Gross were both surprised by their awards.
“I appreciate this very much,” Gross said. “4-H is close to my heart. I try to help as much as I can whenever I can.”
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