Bible earns back to back soccer shoot titles

Bridgette Bible is the proud owner of back to back Elks National Soccer Shoot titles. She is pictured here holding her trophy from this year and at her feet are last year’s trophy plus the one she won that year for being the highest scorer. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Bridgette Bible is the proud owner of back to back Elks National Soccer Shoot title.
Bible, the daughter of Chad and Christy Bible, won the title last year and returned to the event on March 4 in Maryland to win the title again for her age group.
Her journey began with the local Elks soccer shoot at Lake Park, then she moved on to the regionals at Dover and then she won at the state event at Kids America, which qualified her for nationals.
“She got 15 shots and made 14 of those at nationals,” Chad said. “She scored 41 points and two girls below her had 40. This was her fourth year going and last year she was highest scorer there.”
Bridgette is proud of her titles and the three trophies she earned from nationals in the last two years.
“Last year was a surprise and this year was intense because it was so close,” she said.
Bridgett is in fifth grade now at Keene Elementary and has been playing soccer since she was at least 5 years old.
“I just have fun playing and doing the soccer shoot helps me with my kick and angle,” she said.
Chad said it takes lots of practice to get to nationals and he helps Bridgette as much as he can.
“I really appreciate the Elks doing this,” he said. “They put you up in a hotel and feed you. It’s a pretty good situation for kids. You don’t see a lot of organizations doing something like this.”
Chad also has seen competing in the soccer shoots have a positive impact on his daughter.
“She doesn’t seem to be as nervous now about getting up in front of people,” he said. “Doing this gets you out there because people are watching you and it helps with confidence.”
Category: High School, Sports