Block ‘R’ Foundation reps meets with Ridgewood board

| October 17, 2017

WEST LAFAYETTE – The Ridgewood Local School Board met in regular session on Monday Oct. 16, with all members present.

Public participation included guests Mike and Katelyn Milligan and representatives from the Block “R” Foundation; Alan Folkert, Chris Cabot, and Nate Carpenter.  The Block “R” representatives requested a partnership with the board to consider future improvements for the athletic department.

The treasurer’s report was given and items approved included the state and federal funds for 2017-2018 school year, establishing a termination of benefits fund with the transfer of $ 50,000 into that fund, renewal in the district section 125 plan with American Fidelity as the service provider, and the five year forecast and assumptions.

The following recommendations from Superintendent Masloski were approved:

  • Danny Peoples as bus driver, retro to Sept. 25.
  • Classified substitute Joyce Patterson, aide, – retro to Sept. 18 and Mary Thomas, aide and secretary.
  • Volunteers Denise Thompson, Elizabeth Claypool, Nathan McNeal, Christine McNeal and Sue Ball for the middle school; Jane Crow and Martha Conrad for the elementary school, and C. J. Grove, RHS basketball.
  • RMS after school program, Erica Slusser, Wendy Croy, Kimberly McKibben, Brenda McCoy, Darla Glasure, Brenda Starkey, and Chad Carroll.
  • Muskingum University contract for the College Credit Plus Program for 2017-18.
  • Advertising for sealed bids for the sale of a 2001 GMC Yukon vehicle
  • Advertising for sealed bids of various miscellaneous items at the bus garage including but not limited to chairs, tables, and pegboards.
  • Shirley Smith and Patti Rohr as district website coordinators for 2017-18.
  • Cathy McCrea as RMS volunteer

The next Regular Board Meeting will be Monday, Nov. 20, at 7 a.m. at Ridgewood High School in the new media center.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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