Books presented for children coming from domestic violence situations

The Coshocton BPW presented books to Danny Brenneman and Kathy Art to give to children who has been affected by domestic violence. Pictured from left are Brenneman, Tomma Bordenkircher, and Art.
COSHOCTON – On May 7, Coshocton Business and Professional Women (BPW) presented to Danny Brenneman, director of Coshocton County Job & Family Services, and Kathy Art, children services administrator, several books for children in homes where domestic violence exists.
The books were purchased by BPW and each has a sticker acknowledging that the books were purchased in memory of Dorothy Camp, a long-time BPW member who passed last year. They plan to follow up in the next six to 12 months to see if there is a need for more books.
Art and Brenneman both agreed that these books will be an excellent tool for affected children to work through their traumatic experiences. The children may be able to easier relate to the characters in the book while talking to their case worker or foster parent.
BPW, founded in 1919, promotes equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information. Membership is open to men and women, employed or unemployed, who support the legislative platform.
For more information contact President Raine Hammond at 740-294-5292 or
Category: Clubs & Organizations