BPW installs officers

| June 22, 2015
(L to R):  Corresponding Secretary Doris Parkhill, Recording Secretary Kathy Revay, Vice President Rosemary Turner and President Carey McMasters.  Treasurer Sheila Mayse was not available for photo.

(L to R): Corresponding Secretary Doris Parkhill, Recording Secretary Kathy Revay, Vice President Rosemary Turner and President Carey McMasters. Treasurer Sheila Mayse was not available for photo.

COSHOCTON – Coshocton Business and Professional Women (BPW) met at The Sportzone on June 15, with guest Stephanie Conrad.

State Non-Dues Chair Liz Herrell installed the 2015-2016 officers: President Carey McMasters, Jacob Vanaman Agency; Vice President Rosemary Turner, Jacobs Vanaman Agency; Recording Secretary Kathy Revay, Chief Deputy Clerk, Clerk of Courts Office; and Corresponding Secretary Doris Parkhill, JII retiree. Treasurer Sheila Mayse, MSW Solutions, was unable to attend.

Upcoming activities include a Region 3 Meeting on June 27 in Steubenville, WPEA Conference on July 23-25 in Greensboro, NC, and an Individual Development (ID) Course on Oct. 17 and 31 at Agents Realty and Auction Service and Fortune Boot Shop building. Marilyn Lauvray and Mary Mason are the co-chairs for the ID class. For more info or to register, call 740-622-8573.

Linnet Lowe, Cake Auction Chair, stated the 10th annual BPW Cake Auction would be held during First Friday Aug. 7 at the Civic Center. Public viewing and voting for Most Unusual and People’s Choice is from 1 – 6 p.m., with the auction beginning at 7 p.m. Entry forms will be available soon. She confirmed express check out and credit card use would be available this year.

The next meeting will be a social picnic on Aug. 17 at 6 p.m. Location is TBA.

For more information, contact Sheila Mayse at 740-502-3047 or at coshoctonbpw@gmail.com.

Membership is open to men and women, employed and unemployed. BPW’s mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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