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BPW to meet

| September 7, 2012

Coshocton Business and Professional Women will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 17, at Grace United Methodist Church (UMC). Topic will be Human Trafficking.

Betty Spencer, United Methodist East Ohio Conference United Methodist Women Social Action Chair will be the keynote speaker. Spencer is a member of the East Ohio United Methodist Church and Society Committee and through those associations she became one of three leaders of the East Ohio Coalition on Human Trafficking. She also took training offered through the Collaborative (a Catholic sponsored group throughout Northeast Ohio) that is seeking to combat human trafficking which is currently attempting to form a Collaborative for the Akron area.

Spencer is a retired Speech and Language Pathologist with a MS degree from Akron University and postgraduate work from Kent and Case-Western Reserve University. She taught for 33 years in the Stow-Munroe Falls Schools.

Reservations required for dinner by calling Doris Parkhill at 622-7798. Cost is $10. The public is invited to hear her presentation at 7 p.m. at no charge.

Items and monetary donation will be collected for First Step.

BPW’s mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information. Membership is open to men and women, employed and unemployed.

For information, contact Liz Herrell at 294-0199 or at coshoctonbpw@gmail.com.

Category: Meeting Notices

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