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Bradford honored at WL Chamber dinner

| September 26, 2018

Emily Bradford was recognized as the 2018 West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year at the annual meeting and dinner held Tuesday evening, Sept. 25 at the Kirk Street Event Center in West Lafayette. Bradford is pictured with her father and WL Chamber President Oren Griffith, who said, “This person is noted for helping out in the community, going over and above in the community and doesn’t take credit for what they do to help our community.” Mark Fortune | Beacon

WEST LAFAYETTE – West Lafayette Mayor Steve Bordenkircher welcomed everyone to the annual West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce dinner held Tuesday evening, Sept. 25 at the Kirk Street Event Center. The capacity crowd enjoyed a catered meal by Schumaker Farms of Swiss Steak, ham loaf balls, corn, potatoes, salad, dessert and beverages.

Local officials, members of the chamber, West Lafayette Homecoming Court, friends and guests were all asked to introduce themselves and give a brief bio of what they do. Members of the West Lafayette Homecoming Court were given special recognition and applause as they announced themselves.

Emily Bradford was recognized as the 2018 West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year at the meeting for her dedication to the village and the chamber. Bradford received an enthusiastic round of applause.

West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce President Oren Griffith said, “I love what I’m doing, I love what we’re doing, I love our community and I love our buildings. I’m proud of what our chamber does, and I’m proud of what we’ve got. It takes all of us to make a good community a good community. Thank you.”

West Lafayette Mayor Steve Bordenkircher said, “Thank you for coming out to support and grow the community.” Mayor Bordenkircher told those in attendance that much has been accomplished over the past year and a highlight will be the new General Store opening on Oct. 8 – which is in the former Jackson Appliance store. The Village Market recently sold – and we have several projects – the sewer extension project for Wall Street and Johnson Street will be underway in about two weeks and should be completed before Thanksgiving.”

“Shortly before the snow flies we have some paving that we’ll do in the village. And the old Dale Gress property that the village owns is being reconstituted for public parking to support business growth.

“Just last night part of the EPA requirements that we’ve talked about – which is the asset management plan for the village. I was really impressed – our village administrator Heather Stoffer has really gotten behind this and worked hard on it and I think we are light years ahead of any community of this size – that is something to be really proud of. We will meet our deadlines for the EPA and must say that I am very impressed.”

Mayor Bordenkircher talked about the upcoming ballot issue regarding purchasing water from the city of Coshocton that will be on the Nov. 6 ballot for registered voters in the village of West Lafayette. Bordenkircher said, “I would encourage you to get the facts and understand the facts and not hear-say, then make a decision. Regardless of how I feel or how council feels about the water project that is a decision for the community to make. There will be a public meeting over at the high school on Oct. 30 – we will be there to answer questions and provide information.”

West Lafayette Chamber President Oren Griffith gave an update on the activities of the Chamber during the past year with a highlight being the annual homecoming festival and the fireworks display that still has people talking. Griffith also provided the dates of the 2019 Homecoming and Christmas in the Village. He also requested that people step up to volunteer to help the chamber continue to provide the many activities held throughout the village.

Griffith said, “I assure you that we have the best community around. We have super people that live in the community and super people that live out of the community. We have a good council, we have a good Mayor, and we have a good police department. It takes all of us to make this a great community.”

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Category: Business

About the Author ()

Mark Fortune, along with his wife Nancy, is the former owner and founder of The Coshocton County Beacon, the highest circulated newspaper in Coshocton County. He has over 40 years in the publishing business with sales, marketing, and journalism experience. After selling The Beacon to the AloNovus Corp., in January 2020, Mark has been a Business Development Strategist with the company. They publish a network of weekly news publications with almost a half million distribution weekly, a quarterly tourism magazine and a digital division. Mark enjoys history, and has a passion for genealogy, currently researching and discovering his Fortune ancestry. He and his wife Nancy live on a small farm outside of Coshocton.

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