Branch UMC adding Thursday evening service

New logo: Branch United Methodist Church has created a new logo to represent the church and the congregation’s desire to help people grow in their faith. Photo contributed to The Beacon
COSHOCTON – Pastor Joel Mason and his congregation are branching out.
Branch United Methodist Church’s 9 a.m. Sunday morning worship service is typically filled to the brim. Usually when that happens churches add a second Sunday services, but Mason decided to start a Thursday evening service.
“I think there are people who whether it’s because of their job or something else can’t make it to church on Sunday mornings so this will give them the same experience as Sunday worship and Bible preaching,” he said.
The first weekday service will be held on Thursday, May 5 and Mason said it will start at 6:30 p.m. and last until around 7:45 p.m.
“The worship service is going to be a little bit different on Thursday than what we usually do here,” he said. “Thursday night will have a contemporary format. All the music will be upfront, then we will have the preaching, offering and teaching.”
The music at these services will vary between different styles such as contemporary, old hymns, southern gospel and blue grass gospel.
“I don’t plan on sticking with one type of specific music,” Mason said. “If there are any gifted worship leaders out there I would like to talk to them to help with this part. I’d like to have 12 to 15 different worship leaders so everyone only has to do it once a quarter.”
He plans to switch up the music because he likes it all, but honestly doesn’t believe that is what actually reaches people.
“It’s preaching that reaches people,” Mason said. “My hope is that through these services people can come to Biblical repentance.”
He has a sign up in the church that says the three things that lead to a strong church are wet eyes, bent knees and broken hearts.
“We want to help those who already have faith grow in it and those who have no faith come to know it,” Mason said.
He has been preaching at Branch United Methodist Church since July 4, 2010, but takes no credit for the church growing from an average attendance of 10 to 12 people to around 95.
“The Lord has done this,” Mason said.
Anyone wanting to know more about Branch United Methodist Church or becoming a worship leader for the Thursday services is welcome to call or text Mason at 740-294-3972.
Category: Faith